My Testimonials

This page is dedicated to all those human beings who have made and will continue to make me immortal - my students! Yes, you immortalise me by keeping just a little bit of what I transfer to you inside your heart, intellect, mind and soul. One day, unknowingly, you will transfer a fraction of what you learnt from me to your children and they, to their children ... This transfer will carry on eternally. Indeed, its volume will decrease exponentially but it will never die (that can be mathematically proved!). So ... thanks to all of you.

Hello sir... In fact, we are the ones who have enjoyed working with you. You are among the best lecturers we had. Monsieur, you were much above our expectations... In the first lecture, we were afraid of you, but, after that, it went on very well.

I wish to thank you for your constant help during the website and all through the course. Without your support, I will never have been able to give you a presentable work.

We will miss you. Merci pour tout, Monsieur...

-Yajna/ Internet Design 291 (Curtin)

I would like to thank you on behalf of the other members for having been so kind and helpful to us. Without your help, we would not have been able to complete the research, having so many difficulties to get at least a share of work from some our team mates, who sadly, do not seem to know the meaning of a vital word in life: altruism.

We thus wanted to express our thanks for going much beyond your required duties as a teacher.

-Murray/ Marketing Research 200 (Curtin)

I would like also to thank you very much for all that you have done for all of us. I really appreciate that you do care a lot for your students, because a lot of lecturers do not have time to do all these....and I do understand also that your job is not easy at all, especially in explaining the theoretical concepts

A Lecturer Is...

Someone who is wise...
Who cares about the students and wears no disguise.

But is honest and open and shares from the heart.
Not just lessons from books, but life where you are.

A teacher takes time to help and tutor.
With English or Maths or on a computer.

It's Mr. Raj Gunesh who's patient, even in stress.
Who never gives less than the very best!

-Linda/ Foundation Mathematics 042 (Curtin)

I should admit that the words you told us were very encouraging and marvellous. In fact, as a first year student at the DCDMBS, I am glad to say that I had a very nice time listening to your lectures and, as a result, with great effort, all my friends and I attempted to work well so as to get a better result.

Many friends of mine in the class didn't like to do Mathematics for the Foundation course but since we had you as our lecturer, we were very impressed by the way you entertain, explain and encourage the class. I can assure you that other lecturers were not as kind, devoted, encouraging as you were to us

The entire class (including me) is very fully satisfied with the great job you've done with us and, on the day of the seminar, we were quite sad while leaving the room...

...I'm still hoping to have you as my lecturer for the degree that I'm intending to perform the next semester and it will be a great pleasure for me to work with you again because I can say that you're the best lecturer at the DCDMBS

-Zeeshaan/ Foundation Mathematics 042 (Curtin)

Would like to heartily thank you for the support and great care you've shown, Sir; really appreciated that and hoping to have you as lecturer for Business Stats next semester.

God understood our thirst for knowledge
And our need to be led by someone wiser;

He needed a heart of compassion,
Of encouragement and patience;

Someone who would accept the challenge
Regardless of the opposition;

Someone who could see potential
And believe in the best in others . . .

So He made you, Mr RAJ!!!

-Narsha/ Foundation Mathematics 042 (Curtin)