The Maya Civilisation


11 000 B.C First hunter-gatherers settle in Maya region.
2 600 B.C The beginning of the Maya civilisation.
500 A.D Tikal becomes the first great Mayan City and as people move there, weaponry, captives and human sacrifices are instituted.
600 A.D Unknown event destroys Teotihuacán and Tikal becomes the largest city-state.
683 A.D Emperor Pacal dies at 80, buried in the Temple of Inscriptions at Palenque.
751 A.D Long-standing Maya alliances begin to break down. Trade between Maya city-state declines and inter-state conflict increases.
869 A.D Construction ceases in Tikal, beginning the city's decline.
899 A.D Tikal is abandoned.
900 A.D Classic Period of Maya history ends, with collapse of southern lowland cities.
1528 A. D Spanish first arrive on Mayan land, bringing along diseases that would kill 90% of the native population.
1541 A. D The Spanish conquer the Maya and end their resistance, but the revolt still continues for the rest of the century.
1870s A. D Coffee growers take over highlands for large plantations. The Maya are evicted from highland areas to make way for coffee growers.
1906 A. D American 'United Fruit Company' (UFCO) takes over prime agricultural land to grow bananas. Maya take up seasonal work on coffee and banana plantations to help supplement their incomes.
1930s A. D UFCO becomes largest landowner, employer and exporter in Guatemala. Law introduced punishing Maya who do not work 150 days per year on plantations.
1944 A. D Elected government under Arbenz, a reformer, announces land redistribution. The Maya enter a brief period known as 'The Ten Years of Spring' where some of their land and rights are restored.
1954 A. D CIA backed coup. Elected government replaced by military regime. Land handed out to Maya under Arbenz is returned to private owners.
1970s A. D Guerrilla groups oppose military regime. Some of the Maya join guerrilla groups.
1980s A. D Civil war escalates resulting in genocide. Many Maya killed and communities forced to live in 'model villages'.
1991 A. D Peace talks begin between government and guerrillas.
1996 A. D PEACE - 'Peace Accord' signed proposing reconciliation and reform. Maya groups participate in signing the Peace Accords.
2001 A. D Attempts made to introduce social, political and land reforms. 'Maya Dawn' - Maya begin to re-establish their cultural traditions.